The most recent Grey Havens Solutions project is pyiron_workflow, commissioned by the Max-Planck-Institute für Nachhaltige Materialien. pyiron_workflow is a workflow management tool for bringing rigor, reproducibility, scalability to the world of academic python. Using a graph-and-node based computation paradigm, pyiron_workflow abstracts many technical details to allow scientists to write their workflows with simple decorated python functions. While computational power can be scaled by sending individual nodes in the graph to parallel processes, workflow complexity can be scaled by composing macros – not just for DAGs, but for cyclic graphs too. Formalizing the flow of data into a graph paradigm gives reliability to research code, and even allows python to be used in a strongly-typed way.
What users are saying about pyiron_workflow:
“pyiron_workflow is a great product. Everybody should be using pyiron_workflow.”
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Steffen Brinkmann, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
“It just works. [My trainees] only want to learn pyiron_workflow.”
- Dr.-Ing. Sarath Menon, Max-Planck-Institute für Nachhaltige Materialien GmbH